Rudolf Kellner
Student, Developer & Founder
Rudolf Kellner
Fullstack Developer (Spring Boot, .NET Core, Angular, Docker, Azure)

If you found this page, you probably already know my name. I'm currently working as a FullStack-Developer in the logistics sector. In 2020, I finished the Master's program of business informatics at the University of Karlsruhe (KIT). Besides my studies, I founded a startup where I was responsible for software development and hardware maintenance.

Prior to my studies, I completed a 3-year vocational training as an IT specialist in the network sector and gained another year of work experience afterwards. There, I was working at many bigger companies across Germany (Stuttgart, Hamburg, Nuremberg, Frankfurt and many more). Then, for some dumb reason, I decided to quit my job for more years of training =)

Ever since then, I got involved in a lot of projects with all kind of different people, got to learn many programming languages and technologies as well as (agile) project management. In 2017, I took the chance of founding a startup with two friends which helped me gain experience in organizational work and customer service.

In summary, I love new technologies as well as challenges. That's why in my free time, I try out all kind of different tech in form of (sometimes crazy) projects =)

  • Backend Development (Java, C#, NodeJS)
  • Frontend Development (JavaScript/Typescript)
  • Android Development (Android Studio)
  • Hardware/server management (Linux, SQL Server, Networking)
  • Project management (Project tracking, agile methods, ie.)
  • Communication
  • Team Work
  • Creativity
  • Language
  • Motivation
Facts about Me
  • Food: Lasagne
  • Drink: Gin
  • Color: Blue
  • Sports: Soccer & Football
  • Movie genre: Action & Comedy
  • IDE: IntelliJ & Visual Studio (Code)
  • Desktop-OS: Windows, MacOS
  • PC or console: PC
  • Browser: Chrome
  • CSS: Nope =)
Fullstack Developer

After finishing my master studies, I moved to Zurich (Switzerland) to work as a Fullstack Developer (.NET Core, Angular, Azure, Kubernetes). We mainly designed and developed new applications from scratch for the logistics sector.

Working student

I started to work as a working student again. This time for a large consulting company. My tasks mainly focused on development (Java EE, Angular and Docker).

Founder & Developer

As written above, I was working at a small startup (3 people) since 2017. There I was responsible for all kind of different tasks. From development to server maintenance to customer service.

Master studies
Business informatics

I startet and finished my master studies at the 'Karlsruher Institut für Technologie' (KIT) in Karlsruhe. My thesis was about predicting costs for running applications in the cloud (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud).

Working student
Developer & project tracking

During my bachelor studies I was working for a medium-sized company. The department I was involved was working on a software product in cooperation with another company.

Bachelor studies
Business informatics

I finished my bachelor studies of business informatics in 2017. For my thesis, I was working on Testing and improving software applications.

Trainee & System Engineer

Prior to my studies, I was working for an international company, where I also completed my vocational training. I was able to gain a lot of experience in network related topics (Routing, Switching,ie) as well as an international valid certificate (CCNA).

Some of my work
Traiding on the Blockchain

Plattform for decentralized traiding of energy on the Blockchain...


An application to ping any IP or IP range in a network...

Production Planing Tool

This tool supports bicycle manufacturers and their production planing.

Ordering Plattform

This application consists of two parts. One for customers to search and buy products and one for partners where they can manage their products and prices.

Google Maps
Address search
What3Words Application

With this application, it is possible to search for an address by entering What3Words or the other way round.

Voice Control
Smart Home
Voice controlled personal assistant

This is a personal project of mine, which aims at making my house a bit smarter without the need for an external provider.

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