If you found this page, you probably already know my name.
I'm currently working as a FullStack-Developer in the logistics sector.
In 2020, I finished the Master's program of business
informatics at the University of Karlsruhe (KIT). Besides
my studies, I founded a startup where I was responsible for
software development and hardware maintenance.
Prior to my studies, I completed a 3-year vocational
training as an IT specialist in the network sector and
gained another year of work experience afterwards. There,
I was working at many bigger companies across Germany
(Stuttgart, Hamburg, Nuremberg, Frankfurt and many more).
Then, for some dumb reason, I decided to quit my job for
more years of training =)
Ever since then, I got involved in a lot of projects with
all kind of different people, got to learn many
programming languages and technologies as well as (agile)
project management. In 2017, I took the chance of
founding a startup with two friends which helped
me gain experience in organizational work and customer
In summary, I love new technologies as well as challenges.
That's why in my free time, I try out all kind of
different tech in form of (sometimes crazy) projects =)